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For Christian Leaders


The issues addressed by Engage affect everybody in your group/congregation/organisation in some way.

As a vital part of fulfilling the Great Commission, you’re in an ideal position to help change things for the better, but how can this be done?


Here’s a suggested 3 point plan.



1. ​Pray


Meet with your leadership team to pray

  • For God to make the vision and aims of Engage a reality in the national church.

  • For wisdom to know what part you and your group/church/organisation are called to play.



  • To make singleness or marriage a genuine choice for all Christian women and men, through a church which is gender-balanced and teaches about healthy Christian singleness, dating and marriage.



  • To facilitate action amongst Christians that raises awareness of the church gender imbalance and addresses the resulting issues for men, women and children.

  • To connect men to Jesus and the church to men (see, creating a gender-balanced church.

  • To promote teaching for the whole church about healthy Christian singleness, dating, relationships, marriage and parenting.


2. Be informed



3. Be involved


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