Did you know?
2 men: 3 women ratio in the church, and mostly 1:2 for single people (Tearfund 2007; Evangelical Alliance 2012; YouGov 2014; Church Census England 2005/Scotland 2016; UK Church Statistics 2021 Brierley Consultancy)
The church gender imbalance has massive implications for men, women and children.
A lot of Christians recognise the problem, but many don’t know what to do about it.
Let’s be practical: How can we restore the balance? There are organisations and resources out there, and if every church used them we’d probably solve the problem…

7 Reasons Your Church Needs More Men: How to lead a gender balanced church supporting healthy singleness, dating, marriage and youth (The Engage Network, 2018)

Christian Vision for Men – UK and International www.cvm.org.uk
CVM is a movement. It is made up of thousands of men who believe the message of Jesus is true, relevant and much needed in the UK today. CVM exists to serve the local church to engage with men in every village, town and city in this country. The movement is a faithful reaction to the significant number of men who have walked away from the Christian church during the last 30 years.
They are stacked full of resources, ideas and contacts. Be part of it: www.cvm.org.uk/partner
There are about 500 men’s groups across the UK that are affiliated with CVM. Some are part of a local church and others represent a group of churches or a whole town. See www.cvm.org.uk/groups
Winning Men – https://winningmen.co.uk

Winning Men is a long-term strategy to support churches, men’s groups, and individuals to share the Good News of Jesus to men today. The Winning Men portal offers a variety of free resources, evangelistic training, ideas, downloadable templates and packs to help initiate a men’s group, ministry or support and encourage existing evangelistic outreach to men.
Other CVM Resources:
- Codelife discipleship movement – www.cvm.org.uk/thecode
- The Code Bible for Men – www.cvm.org.uk/thecodebible
- The Manual (bible notes for men) – www.cvm.org.uk/themanual
- Manmade (Making Men out of Boys course) – www.cvm.org.uk/manmade
- Why Men Hate Going to Church – David Murrow, 2011
“David Murrow’s groundbreaking book reveals why men are the world’s largest unreached people group. With eye-opening research and a persuasive grasp on the facts, Murrow explains the problem and offers hope and encouragement to women, pastors, and men… Wonderful and insightful advice to help remedy this dire situation and recover the vital role of men in today’s church.”
For a short summary of the problems and solutions, see these Engage Symposium talks…

Men’s Conventions are organised by an interdenominational group of evangelical ministers.

Who Let The Dads Out?
“Aims to inspire, resource and support churches to develop initiatives that will give fathers, male carers and their children the opportunity to spend time together, have fun and engage with the church.”

Our values are built on Faith, Brotherhood, Adventure & Justice. And we want men everywhere to throw all they have into mind, body & soul adventures that will impact them and their world forever.

Christians In Sport exists to reach the world of sport for Christ.